Tenses adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat yang berhubungan dengan Waktu (saat kejadian). Dalam bahasa inggris secara lengkap terdapat 16 macam tenses, namun yang sering digunakan hanya 12 macam yaitu :
I. Present
1. Simple Present Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + V1 atau SUBJECT + v +s,es
Example :
- I go to school by bicycle everyday.
- She earns his living by selling books.
b. Function
1. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum
The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
2. Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang masih berlangsung
We watch television in the evening
c. Time signal
Every morning/day/week/month/year, Once, twice, three times, four times, Occasionally, now and then, on and off, nowadays, habitually, frequently, always, ussually, Sometimes, often, never, seldom.
2. Present Continuous Tense
a. Pattern
To be : am, is, are
Example : Mother is still cooking in the kitchen now.
b. Function
Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang.
Example : The students are still playing football now.
Notes :
Beberapa kata kerja tidak dapat dipakai dalam bentuk continuous antara lain:
a. Kata kerja berhubungan dengan panca indera, example : feel, hear, see, smell, notice, observe.
b. Kata kerja berhubungan dengan perasaan atau emosi, example : adore, appreciate, care, detest, fear, hate, like, love, mind, want, wish.
c. Kata kerja berkaitan dengan aktivitas mental, example : agree, believe, expect, forget, mean, perceive ,realize, recall, recognize, remember, understand.
c. Time signal
Now, at the moment, this afternoon, this evening, right now, today.
Kata kerja seperti : Look !, Listen !, Watch !, Notice !, juga menggunakan pattern dari Present Continuous.
3. Present Perfect Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + HAVE / HAS + V-3 + ____
Example : I have seen the tiger in the forest.
b. Function
1. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau (waktunya tidak tertentu)
Example : Rita has written a letter.
2. Untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan dan mungkin dilakukan lagi di waktu yang akan datang.
Example : I have gone to Bunaken.
3. Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan baru saja berakhir waktu bicara.
Example: I haven’t met you for a month.
Rumus cepat Present Perfect :
Present Perfect since Past simple.
Example : My older brother has given his military service since He was twenty years old.
c. Time signal.
Since, for, lately, recently, as yet.
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
a. Pattern
Example: We have been studying English for nine years.
b. Function
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dimulai dilakukan pada waktu lampau Sekarang masih berlangsung dan mungkin masih akan dilanjutkan.
Example : Mrs. Adam has been watching the television for an hour.
c. Time signal
For …,since….,the whole day,all the morning, for the last…., for…now.
1. Simple Past Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + V-2 + O + ____
Example :
- He presented his paper at seminar last week.
- My Father bought a new car last Sunday.
b. Function
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Example : I met Marina yesterday.
2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Example : She always carried her umbrella last season.
c. Time Signal
Last week/month/year,…ago, this morning, this afternoon, just now, yesterday
2. Past Continuous Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + was / were + V-ing
Example :
- I was reading the novel when My friends came.
- While we were talking to them, the guests knocked on the door.
b. Function
1. Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Example : My Mother was cooking in the kitchen at this time yesterday.
2. Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau di mana kejadian
Rumus Cepat : When/While/as.
- While I was walking to laboratory, I met Marina.
- As she was having breakfast the phone rang.
3. Past Perfect Tense
a. Pattern.
Example : The thief had escaped when police came.
b. Function
Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi sebelum peristiwa berikutnya muncul di masa lampau .
Rumus Cepat :
Past after Past Perfect / Past Perfect before Past
Example : They went home after they had finished the work.
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense menyatakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung hingga peristiwa lain muncul di waktu lampau. Perbedaan Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah Past Perfect Continuous lebih menekankan pada proses berlangsungnya suatu peristiwa.
a. Pattern
Example : I had been studying in that school for two years.
b. Function
Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa yang sudah berlangsung terjadi sebelum saat tertentu pada waktu lampau peristiwa itu masih berlangsung atau tepat berhenti sebelum peristiwa lain menyertai.
example :
1. Sam had been working there for ten years when the world war II ended.
It means : John worked there, and He worked there for Ten years.
Then the world war II ended and John was still working there.
III. Future
1. Future Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + SHALL / WILL + V-1 + ____
Example : Seminar will start next week.
b. Function
1. Untuk melukiskan suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi.
Example : I will come back the day after tommorow.
2. Untuk menyatakan maksud / kemauan
Example I will not see her again.
Time signal
Tomorrow, next week/month/year.
2. Future Continuous Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + shall / will + be + V-ing _____
Example : She will be watering the flowers at four tommorow.
b. Fungsi
Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain
terjadi di waktu yang akan datang masih berlangsung sesudahnya.
Example : This time next week you will be studying hard.
c. Time Signal
at the usual next week, at this time tommorow, at three o’clock tommorow.
3. Future Perfect Tense
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + SHALL / WILL + HAVE + V-3 + ____
Example : By the end of this month I will have finished reading this comic.
b. Function
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi sebelum peristiwa berikutnya terjadi yang akan datang.
Future Perfect digunakan untuk kegiatan yang lebih dulu terjadi.
Example : The mechanics will have worked on the car before the race starts.
2. Untuk menyatakan aktivitas dalam periode waktu tertentu sebelum aktivitas lain terjadi yang akan datang.
Example : I will have run for five hours by the time of finish.
c. Time signal
By then : menjelang waktu
By ……= menjelang, by next week/month/year
By the end of = …= menjelang akhir…
Into two weeks/months/years = dalam dua minggu/bulan/tahun.
Rumus Cepat : Future Perfect Before present.
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan telah Berlangsung selama periode waktu tertentu sebelum kegiatan lain muncul di waktu yang akan datang.
a. Pattern
SUBJECT + SHALL / WILL + HAVE + BEEN + V-ing +_____
Example : I will have been studying English for six years next year.
b. Keterangan Waktu
By + keterangan waktu ______ for + keterangan waktu
Next + keterangan waktu ____ for + keterangan waktu
When + Keterangan waktu ___ for + keterangan waktu
Soal Latihan
1. Don’t phone between 6 and 7. We … dinner.
a. have | c. Will be having |
b. Will have | d. Will be had |
2. The earth … along the sun
a. Move | c. Moved |
b. moves | d. has moved |
3. Jupe is very good at languages. She … three languages very well.
a. Speak | c. Has been spoken |
b. speaks | d. spoke |
4. Can we stop running soon? I … to feel tired.
a. Start | c. Am starting |
b. starts | d. started |
5. The river … very slow today – much slower than usual
a. Flow | c. Is flowing |
b. flows | d. will flow |
6. The Beowulf epic … interesting aspects of the lives of the Anglo-Saxons who lived in England.
a. Revealed | c. Reveals |
b. Had revealed | d. was revealing |
7. Mammal and bird generally … body temperature within a narrow range.
a.Maintain | c. Are maintaining |
b. maintains | d. is maintaining |
8. A: “I never … Harry crying like that”
B: “He must be much suffered”
a. Seen | c. See |
b. sees | d. seeing |
9. Ron … while we were having dinner
a.Phoned | c. Has phoned |
b. Was phoning | d. Had phoned |
10. At first I didn’t like my new town, but … to enjoy it now
a.I’m beginning | c. I began |
b. I begin | d. I has been beginning |
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